


Rabu, 12 September 2012


.   What is a rainbow ?
a.      It is world masterpiece.
b.      It is a dispersion of sunlight.
c.       It is the sun wavelength.

.    How are the wavelengths of the sun categorized ?
a.      The short and long wavelengths.
b.      The blue, violet and indigo waves.
c.       The red, orange and yellow waves.

3  Under what condition does sunlight split into a variety of colors?
a.      When the light emerges from raindrops
b.      When it reflects off the back of the raindrop
c.       When the sunlight enters the raindrop in the air.

   How does thunder usually begin ?
a.      When there is heavy rain with thunder and lightning
b.      When warm air near the Earth is pushed upwards by winds
c.       When humid air over the sea surface is rushing into clouds

5  What happens after air is pushed upwards by winds?
a.      The air rises rapidly, then it cools
b.      The temperature is imbalanced
c.       A thunderstorm happens at once

6 What is the effect of the temperature imbalance within clouds?
a.      The storm equalizes the air
b.      It creates thunderstorms
c.       The warm and cold air rush in

What causes thunder and lightning?
a.      The air pressure imbalance
b.      The continuous of warm and cold air
c.       The up and down rushing of air currents

What is not the characteristic of a bolt of lightning?
a.      Very thin
b.      Very quick
c.       Very loud

What is the effect of the massive heat of lightning?
a.      The air around the bolt expands very fast
b.      It makes the bolt look a lot bigger than it is
c.       The large column of air shrinks back to normal

What happens after the bolt is gone?
a.      A large column of air expands to its normal size
b.      The air shrinks back and creates rumbing noise
c.       The infamous rumbling noise creates lightning.

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